Thursday, March 12, 2009

09/02/13: What’s at the market today?

Where: St. Catharines Market Square
When: Saturday, February 14, 2009
Who: Local vendors, semi-local/travelling vendors, local shoppers, visiting shoppers, local transients.

Brussel Sprouts - a heaping, cardboard quart of fresh brussel sprouts, sold by the two elderly eastern European farmers on the north side of the market. Still only the size of a ping-pong ball, and unmarred in transport, the exudingly healthy and perfectly pearl-like sprouts attracted my attention immediately. As the outer leaves relaxed their tight hold on their succulent core, they seemed to be taking in a breath of fresh air and then waiting in anticipation to release it into the bellies of a lucky shopper.

Wildflower Honey - a 500mL jar of sweet aromatic ecstasy, sold by a sweet brown-haired lady with glasses. The luscious amber liquid gently glowed in the scattered sunlight peeking through the glazed garage-style windows behind it. In the busyness and bustle of the market buidling, the honey appeared in contrast as pure, homogenously-coloured jewel that could not be ignored.

Delicata Squash - to be continued . . .

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